Thanksgiving is over...Mommy and Daddy are back to work on Monday. No more turkey!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fight, Fight, Fight !!!
While I was in the hosptial, Mama Yi's friend Uncle Dragon Five was in the hospital as well. Uncle Dragon Five is going through his own battle right now and I just wanted to let him know to Fight Fight Fight!!!
Thank you for the red envelope...Daddy is putting it into my education fund.
I am thinking of you...let's fight fight fight together!
p.s. I love Mama Yi too.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
There's no place like home...
I was discharged from the hospital on November 18 and glad to be home. I am recovering nicely and my incision is healing...I will have a nice matching scar like Mommy's. My bowl's are working nicely...I've been back on full feeding and let's just say I am very regular....I bottle feed and I poop...sometimes not in that order. But the problem right now is that my stomach and instesinal enzymes are on overdrive so my output is very acidic and I have a severe case of diaper Johnny Cash said,
I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire
Let's just say that no one is really having a good time right butt burns...Mommy and Daddy are changing me almost hourly. Luckily Godmother Cindy was here helping all last week while I was in the hospital and yesterday she left but Mommy Yi flew up from LA to help out.
BTW...if there are any eligible men in the Bay Area, Mommy Yi is single and ready to mingle. I can attest that she has really nice boobies too...I've fallen asleep on them and they are nice pillows.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
jiāyoú (加油)
Mommy's friends keep sending me messages to jiāyoú (加油) which literally means "add gas" which seems funny because I am trying to pass gas. But Daddy used his "chinglish" translation skills and explained it means "Go!" ....a cheer of encouragement as in "Go Audrey Go!"
Well your words of "jiāyoú (加油)" was what I needed to cheer me on and today I made Daddy proud...raising my arms declaring victory and letting a few farts rip...sorry nurse if they were a bit wet.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Making the best of the situation...
Sometimes you have to make the best of the situation you are in...I have my comfy blanket from Uncle Goat and Auntie Kimmie...Mommy is doing my nails and I just had a shot of I just pretend that I am having a spa day.
Post-Op Day 3
I feel more awake today. They removed the Foley catheter and I just move out of the PICU into a regular room with a window view. If you crane your neck you can see San Francisco Bay.
Still need to fart so I can eat. Daddy tried to trick the nursing staff by letting out a couple of blasts and telling them to come over and smell me...but it didn't work.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Post Op Day 2
Today is much better...I am not as swollen. I couldn't pee so I was getting puffy and they put in a Foley cathater and I felt much better. Plus you have to feel good when you have a picture of Ernie on your diaper.
Last night I was listening to Daddy being very stern with the nurses when they missed my morphine dose. The nurses were giving it to me every two hours when required but Daddy was insisting that I get it every two hours scheduled versus as required so I wouldn't have to experience breakthrough pain. The nurses was waiting until I cried, so they missed a dose at 10:30pm and when the morphine started to wear off around midnight I was crying loud enough to wake Daddy up. When Daddy found out they skipped a morphine dose and then didn't give me any Tylenol as a baseline but left it PRN (when required) he had a very calm but assertive conversation asking if there was any clinical reason to delay my pain management....if it was Mommy...there would have been a fireworks show like the 4th of July. They actually had to keep Mommy out of the room when they were putting in the Foley cathater...if you haven't had one let's just say its not to comfortable and you feel it even if you are on morphine.
Here are a couple more pictures of me pre-op in the holding room before going into the operating room.
Oh no...I think it's time!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Hospital Gowns
I checked into the hospital today on Vetern's Day (Rememberance Day in Canada). I am having my ileostomy reversed tomorrow, where they will reattach my small intestine to my large intestine. I haven't had a bowl movement since June 13 and I really look forward to squeezing one out! Mommy and Daddy have had it pretty easy and haven't had to change a stinky diaper yet.
It's kinda of scary being back in the hospital...I've been connected back to all these monitors and this time I have to wear this ugly hosptial gown with my butt flapping in the breeze. But luckily Auntie Marilyn is here helping. She fly in from Toronto on Tuesday last minute after Godmother Cindy got sick and wasn't able to come up and help. We didn't want to take a chance of me getting sick days before my surgery. So it was Auntie Marilyn to the rescue! Thank you Auntie Marilyn for flying cross country to help out Mommy and Daddy this week and staying in the hospital with me tonight before my surgery with Mommy.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bye Bye Sweetie
Mommy's oldest doggie passed away on November 10 at 4am. Sweetie was over 19 years old. I'll miss you Sweetie...Daddy says you were a very fiesty and tough little bitch!
You are now reunited with Mei Mei...(I got to meet Mei Mei when I was still in Mommy's tummy...Daddy sneaked her into the hospital when Mommy was on bed rest. Mei Mei passed away at the hospital...she was 18 year old)...
Sweetie and Mei Mei have been reunited and can share a bed together again....Rest in Peace!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Meeting Grandpa
My Grandpa came to visit and meet me for my welcome home party back in October. He's really funny cause he acts just like a kid when he sees me. I'll post pictures from the party soon.
Grandma and Grandpa came for my party and then went to LA. The day they were going to fly back to Toronto, Daddy called them to come back up because things got a bit mixed up with my Nanny taking vacation. So they flew back up to the Bay Area to help out.