Mommy and Daddy said they were getting lots of emails and calls because I haven't posted on my blog for 10 days...sorry I have been busy...that is busy gaining weight! I am now 7.5 lbs.
It was pretty hectic last week leading up to the Labor Day weekend...I had a couple of doctors appointments, home visit from Jan the developmental specialist and Godmother Cindy came up from LA to help out.
So I had a follow up with Dr. William the ophthalmologist and we got some good news...my ROP looks like it's starting to resolve by itself so I probably won't need to get a laser treatment. I need to go back to see Dr. William next week for another follow up and hopefully my eyes keep fixing themselves. I am using the Force like a Jedi and channeling all the positive thoughts from everyone into my healing. Mommy keeps calling me her "Little Yoda"...I don't know why...I am not green and don't have pointy ears....must be the cheeks.

I also went and saw two surgeons last week. When I went to see Dr. Myles my pediatrician, Mommy and Daddy were worried about a little sore I developed on my belly by my incision scar, so Dr. Myles arranged for me to see a surgeon right away at Children's Hospital of Oakland. I got to see Dr. Wolfgang...funny my doggy is named Wolfie, which is short for Wolfgang. Dr. Wolfgang wasn't too concerned about the sore, which turned out to be a stitch abscess - basically one of my stitches beneath my skin was working it's way out and got a bit infected. But Mommy and Daddy have been keeping it clean so it should just heal itself in about two weeks. Well we talked about doing when we should do my reattachment surgery and it looks like the earliest would be November...Dr. Wolfgang wants me to get good and fat....probably over 10 lbs before scheduling.

I also saw Dr. Tippi who did my original surgery at CPMC when I had
NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) and she basically said the same thing as Dr. Wolfgang...so we wait and keep dealing with the ileostomy bag. Mommy and Daddy hate having to change the bag because I wail and cry really really loud because it hurts when they have to remove it. We typically need to change the bag every day or two but sometimes we've had to change it 3-4 times in one day because the pouching system doesn't adhere well because I have a big hernia and the bag ends up leaking.