Thursday, March 24, 2011

Silent Gaze

I'll just over 10 months old now....7 months corrected age. I've spent 86 days in hospitals, had two GI surgeries, one barium enema and seen doctors in 8 specialties (pediatrician, neurologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, physical medicine & rehabilitation, ophthalmologist, pediatric surgeon, neurodevelopmental pediatrics). I am followed regularly by a pediatric nurse practitioner from the Regional Center of the East Bay and a developmental specialist from Project Jason. I get weekly therapy in home from Easter Seals and twice weekly physical/occupational therapy at CCS (California Children Service). You would be amazed at how good Mommy is at making sure I get to all my appointments. See my calendar of appointments for the month of's almost as full as Daddy's work calendar. So now you know why I haven't been updating my blog as frequently...I am just a busy girl about town! I've told you about all the traditional western medical treatments, but I have also tried some non-traditional modalities over the last 6 months. We started with the Anat Baniel Method (ABM), which is a specialized form derived from the Feldenkrais which tries to rewire and retrain how the brain learns. I went and did lessons for a period of 3-4 months. Although many of the things Anat says made sense to Daddy, in terms of movement and theory of being more fluid and not to force the body into positions or to do things it's ready for, there were also parts that he didn't agree such as having to either choose doing ABM or physical therapy. Also ABM was less about getting the parents involved and didn't really attempt to teach Mommy and Daddy how to do any work on me but more about recommending doing more lessons with an ABM practitioner. We've stop for now because it was getting to difficult for Mommy to take me to lessons in San Rafael 2-3 times a week while she is pregnant with my little sister. So did the ABM lessons help, I think in some ways yes...I did get more loose and flexible but not really sure if I would have gotten similar results with traditional physical therapy. I have also been seen by a traditional Chinese Qi Gong Practitioner who used his Qi (vital energy) to help me. Daddy was a bit skeptical because basically the practitioner would just wave his hand over me. But I have to say that after going for a few sessions, something happened to my Qi because my reflux decreased and I wasn't as gassy and spitting up after my feedings. Also Mommy had a quick session and without touching her, the practitioner scanned her back and told Mommy that he could tell that she had an old injury and he actually pointed to the exact spot. After a couple of more sessions, Mommy's persistent back and shoulder pain went away, along with the clicking sound in her shoulder blade. Mommy is trying to get an appointment to see Master Zhao who trained the practitioner we saw. Then finally I saved the best for last and wanted to share the experience of Braco...the silent gaze. Back in February, Aunt Jenny when to Brazil to go visit John of God who is arguably the most powerful unconscious medium alive today and possibly the best-known healer of the past 2000 years. On Friday February 4, I saw the neurologist who told us that all sign are that I have cerebral palsy. The next day, Daddy was about to make a call, when his cell phone rings and the caller ID says it's Aunt Jenny but she is actually calling from Brazil. Without Daddy mentioning anything about the diagnosis by the neurologist the day before, Aunt Jenny tells Daddy, she was thinking about us when she was having a discussion with a group of people (including some doctors and nurses) about this guy from Croatia...who for fifteen years, people from all over Europe have been streaming to Zagreb, Croatia to experience and be healed through the simple act of gazing with a kind and gentle man who goes by the name of Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). While Braco doesn’t call himself a healer, hundreds of thousands around the world do and the group of people Aunt Jenny were talking with thought he was legit. So it seemed like a weird coincidence that Aunt Jenny would call from Brazil the day after we got some not so good news to urge Daddy to go see Braco because he just happen to be touring the US and would be in San Francisco the next weekend. Well Daddy went on February 13 to the Holiday Inn on Van Ness Street in San Francisco and paid his eight dollars and experienced the silent be continued
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Yinnie said...

hey, I want to hear more!

Karen said...

Hey... don't leave us all hanging, we want to learn more about this!!

Karen said...

I forgot to tell you, Audrey, that you are growing so quickly and becoming even more beautiful each time I see your latest photos!! Keep them coming!!

Yi said...

Mommy's old school calendar !!! Need to teach her how to utilize her iphone

Marilyn said...

When are you going to continue the story???? It was just getting very interesting!!! You are such a hard working girl....over scheduled!!! :) Tell mommy and daddy you need an assistant....Auntie Marilyn! :)

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