Sunday, December 26, 2010

First Christmas

I got to spend my first Christmas at home with Mommy, Daddy and my Grandparents. I got lots of presents and the best part was all the paper and cool boxes I got to play with. Daddy got a nice tree and we put up some ornaments. Auntie Karen made me this pretty hand stitched ornament that says "Audrey's 1st Christmas".

Godmother Cindy send me lots of presents including this beautiful first ornament...ballerina slippers.

I got these cool hand made clay dolls that Grandma and Grandpa got in China in 1981.

Daddy was trying to explain to me the true meaning of Christmas beyond all the commercial and economic stuff of buying presents...I think what he means is the joy of family and that I am the best present ever...period!

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

To the rescue

Mama Yi flew up to the rescue this weekend. The new Nanny didn't work out and I've been keeping Mommy and Daddy up all night for the last couple of weeks. So Mommy asked Mama Yi to come and spent the weekend, so her and Daddy could get some sleep. I am on my best behaviour when Mama Yi is around....cause I am trying to get her to move up to the Bay Area. So if any of you know of anyone hiring in the Bay Area...Mamy Yi is an angel like me!

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Silly Rabbit

Another one of those cutsie bath towels to make me look like some animal..."Oh look Audrey is a silly rabbit!"

Parents are suckers...aren't we Babies cute enough without all the gimicks?

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They're back...

Grandma and Grandpa came back from Toronto December 4th to help out Mommy and Daddy. My new Nanny is now my ex-Nanny....we just didn't hit it off. So luckily Grandma is around to help take care of me. It's a win-win...they get to escape a Canadian winter and Daddy gets comfort food and laundry done!

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Ho Ho Ho!!!

I've been a good girl all year so I am hoping Santa brings me a big surprise!!! Hopefully some normal clothes so I don't have to dress up like a little Elf or cute animal anymore....with all the stuff I've gone through this about some Prada or Chanel?

Don't worry Daddy I stay away from the animal prints and clear heels when I get older so I don't look like a ho ho ho!
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