Thursday, October 7, 2010

Two Down...One to Go

Mommy and Daddy keep telling me that I need to update my blog because their friends keep asking "what's going on?"

Well not much...I'm just trying to gain weight to get myself ready for my reattachment surgery. I'm around 9.5 lbs now and closing in on being a "10" pounder.

Once I get my intestine reconnected I can officially say that I beat NEC...I've already beat my last eye exam, Dr. William said the retinopathy was resolved and I wouldn't need to have laser surgery, I just need to go back for a check up in one that will be two down and one to go.

We still don't know what effects the PVL will have on my development. Right now I am not showing any signs of being delayed. I had an evaluation with the Regional Center of East Bay this week to see if I would be accepted into an early intervention program. It was good news and bad news...the good news is that I was accepted into the program so I will be eligible for therapy programs for the next three year but the bad news is that the doctor that evaluated my felt that I needed to be in a program. The criteria is to show a 33% delay but it's hard to say with me because I am still only 7 weeks corrected age (from my original due date August 18) so I am still not really suppose to be doing much. The doctor told Mommy and Daddy, she was really basing it off that I had such a rough medical history and that she felt I have a bit too much tone in the muscles of my lower limbs (aka legs and calves)...I was just flexing my calves practicing for those 4 inch heels when I get older.

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c. lin said...

I see mini-david in those pictures......

Auntie Marilyn said...

I see my brother too.....she's just so adorable!!!!
Tell them those legs are the Chin genes....toned and strong!!!

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