Today was another bad day, I looked in the mirror and realized they gave me my first bad haircut. Look at that bald spot on the right side of my head by the IV line for the blood transfusions.
Guess that's what happens when you are in "lala land" with the fentanyl drip. Mental note to self don't pass out without a friend watching your back. Daddy said when he was at the University of Toronto, he lived at in this place Devonshire House (aka "Devo") that was known to throw some crazy parties....well at Devo he was nicknamed the "Painter" because he was an artist with the Sharpie marker on guys that passed out. He told Mommy a funny story about this one guy that passed out in a chair in the hallway....Daddy said he decided to try something new, so he used some Liquid Paper on the guys teeth....I guess those were the days before Crest Whitening Strips. But the funny part was Daddy shaved off the guys eyebrows....hummm now that makes me wonder if Daddy gave me the bad haircut since I don't have any eyebrows yet.
Funny that Daddy has my hair from my first haircut....he said Nurse Sue gave it to him.
Is Daddy also the Latex Glove Person, who put that Jalapeno Popper in my belly button?
Maybe it was payback since I was taunting Daddy, saying my belly is almost as big as his....with all the bloating and puffiness I have with all the blood transfusions (packed RBC, platelets and plasma) and IV (Zosyn antibiotic, TPN, lipids and D5W) I have been getting.
Don't worry...Johnny Cochrane isn't around anymore with the "if the glove don't fit, you must acquit" defense. Revenge will be sweet...she how Daddy likes it when I start going to Ruby Skye when I'm 16....hahaha!!!
Otherwise...I am a bit puffy but Dr. Chris said that's to be expected. My last x-ray this afternoon didn't show any perforations in my bowels and no air in my abdominal cavity...things looked stable so I am doing better today and not critical anymore. Sounds like the aggressive treatment as soon as they saw my bloody poop is working. Dr. Chris said, we still have to see how the weekend goes because things still can get worst before it will be awhile before he considers removing some of the tubes and let's me breath on my own again.
That means the Biggest Loser/Gainer Challenge is on hold...I think Daddy needs the extra time anyways....I think he needs to lose some weight just to get to 205 lbs start.
So right now I am just enjoying the fentanyl...I think Mommy and Daddy could use some and I if I work this being sick angle a bit more...I see an Aston Martin Vanquish in my future!
1 comment:
so glad the x-ray turned out ok. keep it up audrey!! +oil!
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