It's was a busy weekend...eating and visit's from Uncle Timo and Auntie Wendy...thank you Auntie Wendy for the nice flowers! My milk feedings has now increased to 10mL every three hours and it's moving up 1mL every shift. My intestines are keeping up so far but all this chugging of milk and activity over the weekend has tuckered me out a bit.
My heart rate has been a bit high over the last couple of days and my oxygen saturation dipped a bit yesterday....doh! So Dr. Kathy decided to be cautious and put me on some IV antibiotics and do a blood culture to see if an infection is the culprit. Daddy looked a bit stressed when he found out that one of the antibiotics was vancomycin. When Daddy was a hospital pharmacist, he said vancomycin was used in really sick people but when he spoke with Dr. Kathy, she explained that she was concerned that if I did have an infection, my central line maybe the source and one of the main bugs would be coagulase negative staphylococcal (CONS) and the treatment protocol is vancomycin. So I get to have vancomycin for the next two days along with cefotaxime (another broad spectrum antibiotic) to cover all the bases....these two "kills bugs dead" like RAID the bug spray. If nothing turns up in my blood culture, I get to stop the antibiotics but if something does show up then I will need a full course. Daddy said a full course is good so that I don't give any bugs the chance to develop resistance to the antibiotics.
I wonder if I can get Dr. Kathy to order a couple of bolus doses of fentanyl?
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