I saw Mommy's scar on her belly and thought it was cool so today I went and got one too!
Boy did Mommy and Daddy freak when they heard that I convinced Dr. Tippi MacKenzie (pediatric surgeon) to operate on me today and give me a cool scar to match Mommy. I was getting tired of this whole NEC ordeal that was dragging on all weekend. My belly had gotten bigger overnight going from 25cm to 28cm and my skin was really shiny red and looking tender. My platelet counts weren't rising after getting transfused and they had to put me on dopamine. Daddy put his pharmacy degree to good use and explained to me that the dopamine was to help with my blood pressure and urine output.
But it didn't seem that the medical management was working so it was time to step it up a notch and settle this thing....so Audrey vs. NEC went down at 1pm this afternoon. Three hours later, I came out of surgery a little slimmer leaving behind 10 cm of my ileum (which is the final part of the small intestine). I feel much better....surgery wasn't that bad. I had the same anesthesiologist Mommy had on my birth day and Dr. Heidi Witherall hooked me up!
I will be in the NICU at CPMC for a while longer. Hoping to start back on Mommy's milk in a few weeks. I will need to have another operation later to reconnect my intestines back together. I will save that story for another day.
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